ABC renewal / cancellation information van 17 april (tvbythenumbers)


While the retentionistas are likely howling, a decent ratings start for Don't Trust The B---- In Apt. 23 has it debut as "likely to be renewed", but predictions based on early ratings are subject to change rapidly. Stay tuned.

Following the ratings loser Titanic special, GCB fell to a series low 1.5 adults 18-49 rating on Sunday. The trigger happy would predict it likely to be canceled now, but since it had a string of prior non-dreadful ratings, I'm not so quick to move it from a "toss up" for renewal or cancellation.

Why is Cougar Town just a "toss up" with its dreadful ratings instead of "likely to be canceled" or worse? Because of past (negative) experience, I'm keeping shows in their third seasons (even shortened ones) no lower than a "toss up" because of potential syndication related benefits.